Sunday, January 14, 2007

Why the headgear?

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Our brains our programmed to divide information into categories.In each category there are preconceived notions and ideas that form various keywords. When we encounter new information, it triggers certain keywords in our brain that categorically place the new information in the same file as old information containing similar keywords. It is a very neat and simple process which helps us retain more information as everything is compartmentalized in a very organized fashion.When we meet or see a new person, the mind observes and picks up on the keywords emitting from the new subject. Our brain then searches for similar keywords and upon finding them, neatly places the new person into a category or stereotype. No person is alike, but everyone has to be filed into a category/stereotype for us to be able to process the new information which we are being presented with.Needless to say, once something has been categorized, moving it to a different category would be a hassle most are not willing to go through. It is usually the first impressions that last the longest.In our frum society, headgear is a vital keyword. It is one of the initial things people notice about us, and is one of the biggest aids in the process of mental categorization. It is what sets us apart from the general public, but at the same time it lumps us together with other people. What we wear, be it by choice or (for lack of better term) force, is how we present ourselves to other people and how the world at large perceives us.Interesting to note, that even in the online society, where everyone can customize their profile according to how they would like people to stereotype them , no conversation can start until "asl" has been established.Also, "Jewish Geography" is very instrumental in assisting the filing process.Needless to say, the initial impression we have of a person is usually molded into a stereotype that is hard to break out of.Hence the headgear. I'd like to introduce myself to the world as another chasidish vaibel with a blog. And maybe subconsciously I strive to be in the league of some of the popular trend setters here in the blog world who are identified by their headgear.

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