Tuesday, January 16, 2007


It's sad when people in your life drop out for a while and then come back expecting you to be exactly as they remember you. It's even more painful when they make you feel guilty by saying, "you changed so much, you're so different".
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Idy and I are friends for a long time. Mutual friends introduced us about a decade ago and we quickly formed a strong, sisterly relationship. Countless hours were spent talking on the phone and despite our busy schedules we made sure to meet up at least once a week. We had similar interests and shared hobbies. We had a lot of mutual acquaintances so there was always news and gossip. We helped each others through rough times and shared in each others simchos. We were, as the preteen term goes, best friends.
Then came a time when Idy moved out of town. It was very hard for both of us, but in the age of cell phones , email and whatnot, we didn't think her moving would affect our friendship. True, we wouldn't be seeing each others as much as we did until now, if at all, but our bond was strong enough to keep.
Fast forward to three years later and the bond is still there. I will always be there for her and that I can always count on her for anything, but the daily phone calls have been downgraded to the occasional monthly drop-me-a-line type of email.Idy has pretty much stayed the same, save for a whole new social circle who live in the same town as her, and a new job. I have undergone some personality changes and as a result have different interest and priorities in life.
So, the other week Idy was in town for a simcha and we made plans to spend as much time together as possible. Arrangements were made, and both of us were anticipating seeing each others again. Well, you know what happened next, right?
"You're so different" says Idy in an accusatory tone. I know I am. I can't wait to get home. Things have become very formal between us. We laugh awkwardly as we strain to make conversation and pretend to be interested in each others lives. I ooh and ah over the pictures of her children and excuse myself to make an important call. "Get me out of here", I text my husband "pretend there's an emergency at home and that you need me". He writes back telling me to be nice .
I try. I really try.
After all, we are best friends.


ggggg said...

First time at your blog. Nice post!

A Heimishe said...

Tichel, I am sorry to hear that this happened to you. It may have just been a bad time and I would suggest you two try to get the flame started again.. at this point you can't loose trying.

Good luck and keep us up with the latest on this.

Anonymous said...

ye that's waht usually happens when you don't talk often. you grow apart.